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New Research from Shows Shifting Power Dynamic that Puts Influencers at the Center of the Brand-Consumer Relationship, the leading partnership management platform, in partnership with WARC, an international marketing intelligence company, today released an in-depth research report on the rapidly evolving brand-influencer dynamic, which shows the disparity and alignment of perceptions of marketers and influencers, and offers guidance on how better alignment can lead to more effective and valuable partnerships. The report, Aligning Marketers and Influencers: Shifting Perspectives on Influencer Marketing Across the Funnel, reveals influencer and marketer perceptions around influencer marketing, especially given the rapid growth of the influencer market after a wave of investment and innovation on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ad industry “200K Lunch Club” seeks to raise funds to support flood impacted Northern Rivers Bundjalung Nation People

The media, marketing and creative industries are being encouraged to forgo a lunch, coffee or drink and instead donate the funds this month to the #200LunchClub to help get food, medical and emergency supplies directly into the hands of First Nations people impacted by the Northern River floods. The initiative is in response to a call out for much needed help from renowned Aboriginal artist Konstantina (Mullumbimby resident). acquires Pressboard, providing publishers with a best-in-class platform for branded content as digital advertising is deprioritised, the world’s leading partnership management platform driving partnerships for more than 2,000 brands, today announced that the company has acquired Pressboard, the premier analytics and reporting platform for branded content. This acquisition empowers publishers to jumpstart and scale their content partnership opportunities, and enables more robust partnership opportunities between publishers and brands to drive efficiency, revenue, and further accelerate the growth of the partnership economy.

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