The media landscape may be rapidly changing but one thing that remains constant is an appetite for for strong opinions. Helping our clients identify and articulate original opinions to bring their leadership and expertise under the spotlight, is one of the services that truly sets Einsteinz Communications apart.
While our writing process for each client will be different depending on their experience, comfort level and corporate considerations, four essential elements remain constant:
A clear narrative that takes the reader on a journey of interest and insight
Inspiration taken from industry trends and news to help contemporise your story
Original thought - perhaps provocative if it fits your brand story - but definitely a unique perspective
No sales or product pitches. Ever.
Here are just a few thought leadership pieces we’ve recently developed for our clients, covering a broad range of industries - from adtech, to research, retail, health and security. Click to read the pieces in full.
WARC - Leveraging the role of partnerships in Australia's new path to purchase
Mumbrella - Decarbonising media - how to turn greenwashing into greenworking
CyberSecurity Connect - Why organisaions shouldn't put all their eggs in the cyber insurance basket
Media Week - Organic influencer partnerships driving brands social media budgets in 2023
Mumbrella - Game of Phones - why brands should take note of the new breed of mobile gamers
Hospital & Healthcare - Cybersecurity health for the digital health of our healthcare system
Marketing Magazine - Why you need to eavesdrop on social media
If you’d like to see more of our work please get in touch.