 Communications Alliance welcomes NBN appointments

Communications Alliance today welcomed the appointment of Mike Quigley as executive chairman of the National Broadband Network company and Doug Campbell as chairman of Tasmanian NBN Company.

Anne Hurley, Chief Executive Officer of Communications Alliance, the industry’s peak body, said the appointments signalled new opportunities for collaboration.

“Communications Alliance congratulates Mike Quigley and Doug Campbell on their appointments. Both Mike and Doug have outstanding track records and we look forward to working closely with them to help realise the Federal Government’s vision for the NBN,” Ms Hurley commented.

“Collaboration with the industry will be critical to ensure the NBN is operationally and commercially viable. Behind the scenes the industry is already working to develop options for the NBN reference model and to define the types of wholesale services the NBN could offer, an issue Mike has also identified as being a key priority for NBN Co.

“We plan to share our views on these crucial issues with Mike and Doug in the near future and hope to tap into learnings from the imminent FTTP rollout in Tasmania,” Ms Hurley said.

About Communications Alliance

Communications Alliance is the peak industry body for the Australian communications sector. Its mission is to create a co-operative stakeholder environment that allows the industry to take the lead on initiatives which grow the Australian communications industry and foster the highest standards of business behaviour. For further information see www.commsalliance.com.au