 Collaboration the key to customer service excellence

Collaboration is critical to enhancing customer service in the communications industry according to speakers at the Communications Alliance Customer Service Summit in Melbourne today.

Welcoming participants to the Summit, Anne Hurley, Communications Alliance CEO, said:

“As the voice of the communications industry, a key element of Communication Alliance’s role is to encourage the delivery of positive experiences for the consumers of telecommunications services. This can only be achieved by working collaboratively with our members, ACCAN, the Government, the TIO, and the ACCC and the ACMA.

“While the latest TIO connect.resolve statistics are showing some positive signs, we recognise there is still work to be done to achieve a sustainable improvement in customer service. We hope today’s Summit will inspire further collaboration and innovation and we will continue to look for new ways to support the industry in its work to enhance customer satisfaction,” Ms Hurley commented.

In his opening address to the Customer Service Summit, Senator Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, acknowledged Communications Alliance’s role in facilitating industry solutions to customer service issues.

“The Communications Alliance should be acknowledged for shining the light on the customer service issues now facing the industry.

“Industry-driven responses are a key component in addressing customer service problems in an effective and sustainable way. This Summit is a prime opportunity for stakeholders to develop clear strategies to better meet customer expectations,” Senator Conroy said.

The Summit also featured perspectives from telecommunications service providers, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, customer service professionals, academics and representatives from a range of industries who have adopted a customer-centric business model.

Common themes discussed at the Summit included dealing with complexity and customer expectations, taking a new approach to customer relationships and a top-down approach to creating a culture of customer service excellence.

In addition to the Customer Service Summit, Communications Alliance has facilitated a range of customer service and compliance-related initiatives during 2009 including:

  •  Commissioning follow-on research to the 2008 report “Preparing for the Broadband World: Fostering Consumer Confidence through Collaboration and Partnerships” by the Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney;  
  • Developing of a draft set of Principles for a Customer Service Charter;
  • Investigating options for providing a range of complaint handling learning opportunities, including complaint handling workshops;
  • Introducing a new Mobile Premium Services Code;
  • Publishing a new Prepaid Calling Card Guideline;
  • Launching a pilot for Assess, Comply, Deliver online training and compliance tool.

About Communications Alliance

Communications Alliance is the peak body for the Australian communications industry. It presents a unified voice for its members in public policy,facilitates industry solutions to industry issues, and provides up-to-date information on industry issues. Communications Alliance is also leading the industry's response to the National Broadband Network implementation. For further information see www.commsalliance.com.au