New Paid, Earned & Owned dashboard from Meltwater provides a unified overview of campaigns

  • Industry-first report gives PR and marketing teams full insight across all channels

  • Unified dashboard makes it easy to determine messaging effectiveness

A new, unified Paid, Earned & Owned dashboard from Meltwater will give marketing and PR teams a holistic understanding of their brand across all channels.

In an industry first, the new dashboard shows how omni-channel marketing efforts are working together to drive engagement and exposure. It also means campaigns can be adjusted to optimise impact.

The Paid, Earned & Owned dashboard allows marketers to determine the effectiveness of their messaging, easily evaluate multi-channel campaign performance and optimise ROI by analysing impressions alongside ad spend.

"Marketing and PR campaigns shouldn’t run in silos, yet multi-channel activities can make it seem like they do, with multiple challenges in trying to monitor and track success.  Meltwater’s new Paid, Earned & Owned dashboard solves this problem by providing a unified view of all external relations performance even with the most complex and wide-ranging campaigns," said Georgina Bitcon, Enterprise Solutions Director at Meltwater Australia.

Meltwater’s technology captures content from more than 270,000 global news sources, social media platforms, forums, blogs, print publications, broadcasts, and podcasts. Over 800 million pieces of new content are processed every day, with more news sources continually added. The integration of Paid and Owned social media reporting makes this new solution the first of its kind.

Georgina Bitcon - Meltwater Australia

Meltwater’s recent acquisition of is one of the tools that will analyse this vast amount of data, feeding sophisticated insights and data visualisations to customer dashboards.

"This takes media intelligence to a new level. We’re analysing more sources and channels than ever before, while also making the reports and results much more accessible and strategically useful to our customers. Paid, Earned & Owned is an exceptionally powerful tool that’s also easy to use for any marketer or PR professional," said Bitcon.



Meltwater helps companies make better, more informed decisions based on insights from the outside. We believe that business strategy will be increasingly shaped by insights from online data. Organisations will look outside, beyond their internal reporting systems to a world of data that is constantly growing and changing. Our customers use these insights to make timely decisions based on real-time analysis.

More than 2000 companies use the Meltwater media intelligence platform across ANZ to stay on top of billions of social media conversations and track hundreds of thousands local and international online news publications. Globally, we work with over 34,000 organisations, with 55 local offices across six continents.

Meltwater also operates the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology ​(MEST), a non-profit organisation devoted to nurturing future generations of entrepreneurs.

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