JCDecaux New Zealand offers sustainable advertising options to brands

In an Out-of-Home industry-first for New Zealand, JCDecaux has launched new sustainability footers, allowing advertisers the ability to let audiences know they have made a sustainable media choice by partnering with JCDecaux.

Mike Watkins, Country Head of JCDecaux New Zealand, said: “Our sustainability credentials are extremely important to us and we continually look for ways to further develop this area of our business. This new development came about in response to strong market demand from our advertisers, keen for customers to understand that they’ve made a sustainable choice in an advertising partner.”

No Ugly Wellness is the first advertiser to make use of the sustainability footers for its spring JCDecaux campaign featuring across static Large Format Future Banners and digital placements. No Ugly has a strong sustainability focus and is working towards B Corp certification of which environmental impact is one of the key pillars.

Aaron Taylor, co-founder of No Ugly commented: “We strive to eradicate as much ‘ugly’ from the world as possible so while our products are designed to help people live their best life, we also aim to remove what ugly we can from our supply chain. We chose to partner with JCDecaux because of our shared values, which will help us achieve our goal of being B Corp Certified by Christmas. I’m hopeful many other brands will choose to pony up and do the same in future.”

In 2020, JCDecaux launched the Future Banner, a more environmentally friendly static billboard skin that is PVC free and reduces landfill waste, for use on standard 12x3 and 6x3 frames. This product is exclusive to JCDecaux.

JCDecaux sustainability footers are offered in three formats and have been tested visually to ensure they don’t compete with creative saliency and can be read by engaged viewers.

For static Large Format billboards, the footer message is ‘Printed on PVC Free FUTURE BANNER’, while digital campaigns showcase ‘The sustainable choice’. 

JCDecaux New Zealand received official carbon zero certification from Toitu Envirocare earlier this year for its business, products and services. JCDecaux globally was the first Out-of-Home company to join RE100 – a global leadership initiative committed to 100 per cent renewable electricity. JCDecaux is the only RE100 Out-of-Home business in New Zealand.


About JCDecaux

JCDecaux is the number one out-of-home media company worldwide, with more than 1 million advertising panels in more than 80 countries and more than 13,000 employees. Incorporated in 1964 in France, JCDecaux was listed on the Paris Stock Exchange in 2001. JCDecaux has been providing high quality, architecturally designed street furniture in Australia since 1997. Its Australian and New Zealand businesses includes 40,000 assets spanning airports, rail, transit, static and digital billboards.

Key figures

  • 2021 revenue: €2,745m (a)

  • N°1 Out-of-Home Media company worldwide

  • A daily audience of more than 850 million people in more than 80 countries

  • 957,706 advertising panels worldwide

  • Present in 3,518 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants

  • 10,720 employees

  • JCDecaux is listed on the Eurolist of Euronext Paris and is part of the Euronext 100 and Euronext Family Business indexes

  • JCDecaux is recognised for its extra-financial performance in the FTSE4Good (4.2/5), CDP (A Leadership), MSCI (AAA) and has achieved Gold Medal status from EcoVadis

  • 1st Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 (committed to 100% renewable energy)

  • Leader in self-service bike rental scheme: pioneer in eco-friendly mobility

  • N°1 worldwide in street furniture (530,143 advertising panels)

  • N°1 worldwide in transport advertising with 154 airports and 215 contracts in metros, buses, trains and tramways (340,753 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in Europe for billboards (72,611 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Europe (596,831 advertising panels)

  • ·N°1 in outdoor advertising in Asia-Pacific (232,268 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Latin America (64,893 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Africa (20,808 advertising panels)

  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in the Middle East (14,177 advertising panels)